Monday, 16 February 2015


Last few days until a new fresh start to a brand new role

Now that I have handed over almost all of my tasks, I've been following up only on some really urgent stuff, and plainly just walking around the office and shaking hands, saying goodbye. 

Amidst the goodbyes, I've sincerely learnt and grew tremendously in this role, and as I bid this role farewell, I await eagerly and in earnest anticipation what my new role will bring. 

I shudder with excitement as I struggle to contain the anticipation. 
The unknown, the enthusiasm, the mystery. 

Well, onward I shall advance, for it doesn't matter how slowly I walk, as long as I never stop advancing, and never walk backwards. 


iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Valentine's Day aftermath

Valentine's Day is over. 

Welcome to a fresh and short week on this joyous Monday workday. 
For some of you, today is a beautiful start to a fresh and relatively short week. 
For others, today might be black Monday because you either failed to live up to expectations for Valentine's Day, or you have forgotten about it plainly. 

If you did forget, then you ought to get shot, you can't possibly miss all the publicity, and marketing materials that bombarded your senses once you step out of your home? You couldn't have missed the large billboards and banners along Orchard Road...

Well, for others who live to tell another day, there's always the Valentine's Day for next year. That will be when you will have to up your ante, and do one better than you did this year. That is, assuming your partner is the same one. 

Well, happy post Valentine's Day. 
We live to fight another day. 
The restaurant and rose prices are back to normal now. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

"Honey, I will iron the clothes, you relax"

Spring Cleaning

As Chinese New Year is just around the corner, this leaves the last weekend to really spring clean up your house. 

For some, who have been putting in regular clean ups along the way, this task will be smooth sailing. For others, who have not been cleaning up regularly, and have been procrastinating the clean up, this leaves a huge and enormous task of a major spring cleaning exercise. Not looking forward to it. 

Then again, how do you split the housework between you and your spouse? Equally? or depending on whose area or forte is it? Or depending on which partner has more "passion" in doing which tasks? Passion is a funny word, and even funnier in the context of housework. 

"I love to do housework, especially ironing!" - said no one ever

Then how do you then allocate the work that needed to be done, between two participating partners? 

Love, my friend, is the answer. 

When you truly love your significant other, you will do the nasty task in lieu of thinking or imagining that your partner will have to do it otherwise. So, things get done. 

So, doing the unpleasant household tasks can be a form of gifts to your loved ones. 
Put and record it down on iWish, and use it to gift your loved one a pleasant surprise...

"Honey, I will iron the clothes, you relax"

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Company culture

Company culture. 

Do you work in an environment that is friendly, conducive and receptive? 
Or do you work in an environment that is full of office politics, dis-empowerment and mis-trust?

Which work environment would you rather work for?
Would you have signed on to your current job knowing what the environment is now? Or thinking back, would you have stayed away at the interview stage?

Well, there is often a formal process, rules and policy dictated on how to behave and portray yourself professionally in a formal document for the organisation. However, there exists a sub-culture which is not usually documented or easily observed from the outside. Once you are inside the organisation, then you can begin to experience and witness the sub-culture at work. 

Most times, by the time you get to truly immerse and experience the sub-culture at work, you are already too far inside the organisation to get out. Most probably, you would have already signed the appointment/offer letter. 

So, in this post, iWish that all work environments could be more empowering, and receptive to employees. And that all employees will find joy to come to work everyday. 

Most importantly, that all employees are placed in a position for success. That they will be equipped with the right and necessary tools and beliefs, and built for success. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Gift the gift of time

Gift the gift of time. 

For this upcoming Chinese New Year, do your best to spend a little more time with your loved ones. 

Visit your grandparents. Pamper your parents. 
Make sure you spend time with them. 

It is ok if you are merely sitting by while they watch tv, and you play on your phone. 
It is still better than if you are not by their side while they watch tv. 

Sometimes, it is already happiness to them to have you by their side while they continue doing their daily tasks. 

Even better, they will just talk to you endlessly. 
You will be the joy and special moment in their otherwise mundane and boring daily life of tv watching. 

So, humour your loved ones. 
Spend a little bit more time with them this Chinese New Year. 

Oh, be sure to head home for reunion dinner too. 
It means the World to them. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Monday, 9 February 2015

pay attention to your health before it's too late

Health Check Up

When was the last time you had your annual health check up done? 
Any issues or problems detected from the check up? 
Hope everything is well, and you've been handed a clean bill of health. 

Well, the health check up or some call it, health examination is an examination of sorts, except you cannot rush and study for it just the night before and expect to pass with flying colours. 

It is one where your general health and well-being is being tested and assessed. 

When we are young, we sacrifice our health for money. 
When we are older, we spend our money to prolong our health. 

Isn't it true?
Make sure you pay attention to your health before it's too late!
iWish you good health, a life of abundance, and happiness. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Will power juice

Clearing my stuff

Well, I am now clearing my stuff and mess accumulated over the 4 years I spent with my current organisation. 

Came across many interesting memorabilia, and got reminded of each project back then. One even achieved a patent from the effort. Nice congratulations letter from the law firm, of course, they earned quite a bit of money from the patent application project. 

Threw out a lot of stuff, stuff I used to keep (with the intention that maybe one day I may need to refer to it), and that I have never used or refer to them ever again. 

Stuff that I don't even know are in my possession, going to throw them all away. 

Those that can be recycled, I will recycle them. Those that are confidential, I will shred. Those generic rubbish, I will junk. 

That say a messy table reflects an organised mind, and likewise. Not the other way around. Reason is we all have a certain will power juice in a day. If one spent effort to organise and keep the desk clean, neat and tidy, he will have to spend some will power juice for that day to do that. Will power juice is a limited resource. So he will have lesser will power juice remaining to tackle the bigger challenges of the day itself. 

So, if you have a messy desk, it just means you are saving your will power juice for the decisions that truly matter everyday. So, you have an organised mind, as you have more will power juice to think and conceptualise. 

haha, at least I buy that idea. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Stand out from the crowd

A new start

What are your reasons for wanting to change careers? 
Is it mainly push factors, or pull factors, or a combination of both? 

Or is it plain desire to want to change some career scenery? 
Or simply mid-life crisis? yikes!

I would reckon a combination of push and pull factors. 

In the absence of push factors. Let's say you are excelling and feeling good in your current role, some head hunter called you to present a wonderful career opportunity. Chances are you might hear the head hunter out, but I would also reckon a good percentage of the population would flatly decline that offer out simply because they will be too busy and focused on doing their current role. 

So, I would argue that there must exist some form of push factors, however little there is. And the push factors need to go beyond a certain threshold, and this threshold differs from individuals to individuals. Once this threshold is breached, the individual will then be motivated enough to want to listen and be open to such other career opportunities. This individual will either apply directly to jobs, or put himself out there on the job market for recruiters to do the matching. This is a combination of push and pull factors. 

With this in mind, do consider how to present yourself and how you portray and sell your expertise in today's labour market. 

Stand out from the crowd. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Monday, 2 February 2015

Change of Direction

Change of Direction

I'll be soon embarking on another phase of my career, and pursuing a bigger role to reach out to a wider and more diverse audience. 

I would think this new industry is one who will focus more heavily on employee learning and workplace development. So wish me luck. 

hmm, did I list a new career change as one of wish list item on iWish? 
Probably not, but I should start listing them. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!