Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Happy New Year 2015!

Happy New Year 2015!

decision paralysis

The paradox of choice. 

When presented with multiple options, one often gets into a decision paralysis. 
Research has shown that he optimal number of choices should be a maximum of 3 choices. 

Any number of choices beyond that will not serve to help the user in decision making, rather it will serve to confuse and frustrate. 

Similarly for decision making in buying gifts. 
The lesser choices we have actually makes the gift buying process easier. 
But, the caveat is still to have a choice, to give the gifter flexibility in the gift buying options too. 

Limit the gift choices to 3. 


iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Monday, 29 December 2014

New Year Resolutions or Life Goals?

New Year Resolution. 

We often overestimate our capabilities in the Short Run. 
And we often underestimate our capabilities in the Long Run. 

In this instance, new year resolutions, being set at a timeline of 1 year, is clearly short, and categorised as Short Run. 

You see, in this 1 year forward, we often make resolutions that we fall short on. Eg. lose 10 kg by end 2015. Then we despair and reckon that new year resolutions doesn't work. Well, if you have set resolutions or goals for the Long Run, that is at least 5 years, or better, 10 years and more. Then you, often, might underestimate your own capabilities. 

So for this new year forward, are you setting new year resolutions? If you do, make sure to set it a little more realistic. Eg. Sign up for a gym membership card, and go to the gym at least once a month. Focus on the positives, on staying healthy. Rather than on the negatives, "lose" 10 kg. 

Even better, throw out the old practice of setting new year resolutions. 
Set life goals!

Sign up for your free iWish account at www.iwish.com.sg now and set up your bucket list for listing your life goals!

iWish - Bucket Listing Made Easy!


iWish that QZ8501 will be found soon. 


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Here's to 2014 being the past, and welcoming 2015 as the future.

It's the last week of 2014. 
It's also time to take stock of how 2014 has been for you, and what you expect for 2015. 

Time for a stock take. 
The hits and misses of 2014. 
And your dreams/ goals/ aspirations for 2015. 

A new year ahead. 
What are you going to do to refresh, recharge and rejuvenate yourself? 
A brand new year requires a brand new mindset, a brand new you to tackle it. 

Well, for me, I will welcome 2015 with open arms. 
And what parting message do I have for 2014? Good riddance!


Well, everyone is fighting a battle you don't know. 
So while you are fighting your own battles and demons, don't take it upon yourself that the whole World only revolves around you. Show some care and concern to the people around you. And if you do find someone irritating or just plain idiotic, well, remember that they too are fighting their own battles and demons that you don't know, and sometimes, it is wise to just afford people the benefit of the doubt. 

Happy holidays. 
Here's to 2014 being the past, and welcoming 2015 as the future. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Boxing Day Discounts

Boxing Day!

Its the day after Christmas, after the mayhem, after the madness. 
A walk around Orchard Road in the early morning on Christmas day shows the madness, bottles and rubbish of all sorts strewn all over the roads and pavements. 

Luckily for me, for many years now, I have chosen to stay in the the comfort of my own home during Christmas eve. I knew better than to go and hustle among the crowd and party revellers. 

So, after the Christmas day welcoming celebrations and countdown, I guess its rest day for most people. Except for some bargain hunters, you can descend to the same stores where you experienced the frentic rush for Christmas presents not too long back. 

Boxing day brings itself some amazing bargains and huge discounts. For one, perishables like log cakes just doesn't sell as well after Christmas. So pick them up for a bargain or a song. 

Christmas themed decorations are also a bargain. Well, you can buy and keep them until next year...

For all other things, there's the usual retail merchandising stock take happening at the end of the year, and so the store managers usually want to sell off most of his store's inventory to make this stock taking process simpler and easier to implement. This means huge discounts for the shoppers! Who don't mind last season's fashion that is. 

Well, for other things else, iWish is here to help. 

iWish - Boxing Day Discounts Made Easy!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

mind reader

Its that time of the year for the Christmas gift exchange and secret Santa.

Well. Now that you've exchanged gifts, opened your gifts, pretended that you got what you exactly needed and appear amazingly pleased...

You go back to your desk. Thinking in your mind: she got me xxx. He got me yyy. ?!?

So this is the impression that I left to them? That's why they got me xxx and yyy!

Well. If only.
If only can read minds. More specifically, if only gifters can read your mind, and know exactly what you wanted.

People. Are. Not. Mind. Readers.

Get that. You got to drop hints along the way. Subtle hints.

Blatant hints are not hints. By being blatant, they make you look bad. Look ungrateful. Look demanding. Well, you most probably are, anyways.

iWish to the rescue. Put up your desired gift ideas on it, share it with your friends or secret Santa, if you know who he or she is... And wait for your wishes to come true and be gifted.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!


Gifting Made "Ho Ho Ho" Easy!

Merry Christmas to you. 

On behalf of the iWish team here in Singapore, we wish you a Merry Christmas and have a happy holidays. 

Keep gifting anyways. 

iWish - Gifting Made "Ho Ho Ho" Easy!

Monday, 22 December 2014

Wish it, Gift it.

Wish it. Gift it. 
Gift someone their wish today.
(Source: a certain hewlett-packard HP ad seen somewhere, I think it sums up pretty clearly what iWish is all about)

The algorithms of Google and Facebook

One word: three alphabet. 
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Google adwords. Facebook ads conversion pixels. 

These are some of the technical jargons that are out there, everyone is a marketer these days. Especially for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs wear multiple hats. They are the business development, financial controller, risk manager, human resource practitioner, executive, office administrator, logistics assistant, etc, all rolled into one. given the grand title of CEO, or MD, or Founder...

Most importantly, is the role of marketing, how do you get your product out there to the market, and have the public talking about it (in an excited good way of course). Then you have to convert your users into raving fans. Fans who evangelise about your products to their other friends. 

But it is never glamourous. It is often hard work. years toiled in sweat and tears, pitches for investment often met with blank stares, rejection and despair. 

The importance of user acquisition. 
Never has this topic been more important to a start-up. 

Well, iWish is a local Singaporean start-up. 
Help us make a difference and bring happiness to the world of gifting. 

Exchange happiness, Exchange gifts.
Wish it, Gift it. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thank you iWish, for making wishes come true

iWish has ran a successful first contest aimed at generating awareness from the gifting community. 

See how our prize on offer, 4 randomly selected winners will win a set of SGD 50 CapitaVouchers each when they (1) like our facebook contest post, (2) share it publicly on their facebook news feed, and (3) sign up for a free iWish account at www.iwish.com.sg

Check out their smiley faces as they collect their prizes, and look set to spend the vouchers in good time for this Christmas festive period. 

Thank you iWish, for making wishes come true

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

4 Tips for Effective Wishlist Making

4 Tips for Effective Wishlist Making

So you are using a wishlist to share with your friends and family - be it for X'mas, birthday or any other celebratory occasions! Quick question though… is your wishlist effective?

Here are four tips to help make your wishlist a little more effective in getting the perfect gift that you've always wanted:  

1.    I: Be specific – If you do not know what you really want yourself, it is much harder for others to gift you something. Thus, avoid stating vague things like "A Book", "A Watch" or "A phone". Instead, state the gift item explicitly like "Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince" or "Longines Hydroconquest Blue Dial Men's Watch". You'll be amazed as to what friends or family will gift you when you vaguely state "A Book"! Recalled a friend receiving a dictionary during a recent X'mas party when he simply stated "A Book" in his wishlist! Hope it was a prank! :P 

2.     II: Picture. Picture. Picture – can't emphasize more on the need for a picture of the item you want. As the adage goes, "A picture paints a thousand words"! With something visual, your friends & family will find it easier to show shops a reference point or distinguish amongst similar-looking items, when they head out to the stores to get you the desired gift.

3.    III: Additional Notes: It does not hurt to write a few more words to describe the item you want. The gift item you want might be very popular and chances are that it will run out of stock! For example, we noticed that the LEGO Starwars Storm-Trooper Keylight is always out of stock. As such, you could pen down a statement in the additional notes field like, "If Storm-trooper is unavailable, Darth Vadar or Yoda are fine too" – giving immediate alternatives for your gift 'buyers'.

4.     IV: Place: If you know where your gift item could be found or if you've seen it around in a particular shop, state the location. Your gift 'buyers' will thank you for it as they need not roam around scores and scores of shops to locate the gift item. Heard of a situation where some friends wanted to get a gift state in their dearest friend's wishlist. However, nobody knew where to get it. They went around to several shopping malls and could not locate the gift! In the end, they were so tired that they gave him vouchers instead – mismatched gift!

Have fun creating and sharing your Wishlists at iWish (www.iwish.com.sg) for free today! Gifting Made Easy! J

Turning 21 years old

Turning 21...

21 years of age - now that is a huge milestone in Singapore. At least that is when the state legally proclaims you an adult. 

An adult affords you many things, for one, you can enter into a contract, without having to get your parent/guardian/custodian's permission and signature. While this means greater freedom, this freedom also comes with a caveat. 

Being an adult means you need to take responsibility of your actions, you cannot hide behind your parents when you get into trouble with the law. You are your own man, or woman in either instance. For one, boys' home or girls' home is no longer an option - you go directly to jail, if your crime warrants jail time, that it. 

You can even watch R(21) restricted 21 years old banding category movies!

Many young adults host a big celebration when they turn 21 years of age. 

To celebrate this momentous milestone - they spend lavishly to host parties. Parents usually gift the recipient a necklace with a key pendant, or a lock, or some symbolic item of a key etc. To signify the turning into a full adult, and holding a key to his or her own pathway in life. A key to his or her own success, whatever it may be, for he or she is now fully in charge of his or her own life and decisions. 

For your peers, who are most probably born in the same year, many if not all will be turning 21 years old on the same year. Meaning, you have to host 1 big party yourself, and will have to attend all your other friends' 21 years old birthday parties. 

One immediate thing came to mind - what do you gift them???

Well, you enjoy it once. At your own party! For one time in the year, and possibly your lifetime, you get to host one of the biggest birthday bashes ever, 21 years old birthday party, and get to be the main character for 1 full day, and collect all the wishes and gifts from others. The day then passed, and you're back to your old self. 21 years and 1 day old. 

You get to then worry and fret over what unique gifts to get for your peers, your friends, your bros, your crushes etc, for the rest of the freaking long year!

iWish to the rescue. iWish, an online wishlist platform repository to make your gift desires known! You can (1) sign up and cretae your wish list, (2) share it with your network, it is even integrated with facebook so you can share it and comment on it using facebook, and (3) wait for your wishes to come through and be gifted. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014


What Do I Want? 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


To queue or not to queue?
Usually a long queue is a signal on the underlying goodness and quality of a product. That's why people queue for good food in food centres.

But we hate queue for the reasons that they waste our time, makes us tired from the queuing and standing, and makes us frustrated to endlessly waiting.

How can we then have a signalling effect and yet skip the bad effects associated with queuing?

Using technology.

Technology can have the signalling effect on the perceived quality - through user feedback and crowd comments.

Technology can skip the queuing process - the rise of e-commerce.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!


Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas lights

Have you seen the annual Christmas light up at Orchard Road this year yet?

Worth a sight. Worth a trip. Worth the effort.

Bring your loved ones and fall in love with them again.

Thank goodness the haze is not here anymore.

iWish upon a star.



Sunday, 14 December 2014

Intelligence in gifting?

Human intelligence is one hotly debated topic. Is it genetic or is it environmental? There are numerous research and academic articles on this topic alone, and many academic scholars debating on this notion. 

However, one quick look around town during the festive period and you can see men and women frowning, deep in thought, and lost in space...

Chances are, no matter how high your intelligence is, you will fret over the choice of gifts for your loved one. The closer you are to the gift recipient, the higher the expectations, and the higher the expectations, the more at stake and the more worried you will be. 

Also, the closer you are to the gift recipient, the higher the amount (either perceived effort or monetary value of gift) to prepare. 

iWish to the rescue!

How nice if one can pen down your greatest wish list and desires on a platform and allow your loved ones to access it. So that they will know what you want, and they will gift you exactly what you want. 

100% accuracy. 

100% satisfaction. 

100% happiness.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

W.D.I.W.? (What Do I Want?)

On a Christmas Wishlist of a friend (Let's call him Mr. X) created & shared using iWish (www.iwish.com.sg), there is a gift that he wishes for, amidst others, starring prominently at me..... Presenting.... <Drumroll>... Lego Starwars Set ( Palpatine's Arrest)

He is a grown-up friend mind you! That got me thinking...What is it about Lego that still manages to capture our attention and ignite affinity with it even though we've all grown up?? 

A trip back memory lane... Remembered when I was a young kiddo.. I had those "theme-less" good old Lego blocks which I could practically build anything based on pure imagination! Had loads of fun building the blocks up and tearing them down! 

Nowadays, there are themed Lego blocks such as Star Wars, LOTR (fans will know what this acronym means) and Marvel Heroes! Even as I walk past Lego shops on the street, I still get drawn to it and will get up close and personal to "ogle" at the Lego sets available! So what is it about Lego toys? 

Is it because it triggers creativity and imagination? Lots of article claim so. 
Is it because of its sheer simplicity as a toy? Well, it's really really easy to play with! 
Is it because it allows you to escape reality for a moment to play in your dream world? Mr. X will probably build the set thinking he is Palpatine! 

For some, it's an obsession! Well, at iWish, we think a Lego toy is a good gift to list down on your Wishlist, even though you might not have played with it eons ago! Who knows? It might just spark a new multi-million dollar idea in your head! No harm giving it a shot! 

For those who might not know, Lego is from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means "play well".  We, at iWish, call the building blocks "Lovable Ever-Green Objects" (L.E.G.O)! 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

iWish "how to"

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and start gifting away

You can sign up either with your existing facebook account. iWish is integrated with facebook.
Or you can sign up using your email address.

Step 1: Create your wishlist

Click add a wishlist

Enter the wishlist name eg. Christmas 2014 for Lawrence
Select the category for that wishlist
Wishlist created

Now to add gift ideas to your wishlist
Click on add items

Add an image file, and key in as much information as you can possibly can to describe the gift item.
Eg. Size, colour, model no., specifications worth taking note of, etc.
This is so that your gifter knows exactly what gift to give you. (you wouldn’t want to receive a pink cardigan of size XXXL, when you are a male and is a size M right?)

If you want inspiration for gift ideas, you can click on the Gift Ideas tab to view the catalogue of gift ideas hosted on iWish.

Step 2: Share your wishlist
You can copy and paste the link, and either email, post it on facebook, whatsapp, etc and share it with your network.
Or you can simply just click on the facebook share icon. iWish is integrated with facebook.
Your friends and you can also write comments on this wishlist.

Step 3: Wish granted
Check in regularly and be notified when someone has “choped” the gift to buy it for you.
You will know that this gift item is taken, your other friends will know this gift item is taken, but you and they will not know who in particular has “choped” and bought you this gift item (element of surprise!).

To grant your friend’s wish, you can click on Friend’s Wishlist tab, and view your friend’s wishlist if they have shared it with you.

View your friend’s desired gift ideas on their wishlist, and “chope” the gift item to gift your friend.

We are in the happiness business!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and start gifting away

It's the year end holidays!

It's the year end holidays!

Rejoice, Rejoice, the year end holidays are here. School's out for a couple of weeks now, colleagues are all going on long leave around office. Finance is closing their books for year end consolidation. Out of office replies a plentiful on the email accounts. Vendors are closing their offices early this year. 

Out on the streets - the shopping malls are out in full force. This is the period where they have to do their last push to rack up impressive sales figures to end the year with a bang. It depends on the buying frenzy of gifts for the Christmas festive season on whether the malls will close the year with a loud bang, or a pathetic whimper. 

For those of you who have yet to contribute much to the GDP and the economy, make sure you spend more this month!

For all you lucky salaried employees, you're getting your 13th month AWS bonus payout, plus your usual salary for the month of December. 

For all you lucky employers! well, just one word: Tax. As long as it is business expense, anything goes...

For all you self employed business owners, haha, well, you don't have an annual leave quota, you just leave and spend your holidays!

For all those still making ends meet, hang in there. It will get better. Stay positive, focus on what you already have, make the most out of it, and positives attract more positives. Stay focused, stay grateful. 

For everyone out there, happy festive season. and happy gifting away.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

A fishing rod

Ask a hungry man what he wants, and most probably his answer is: fish. 

Charity and non profit organisations in Singapore operates not on giving the end (gifts), but on giving the means (teach the man to fish) so he can be sustainable. 

If we ask an under privileged kid what he wants, he most probably will say iPad, or iPhone, rather than 12 lessons for financial literacy etc. 

There are some gaps which can be addressed and gift recipients should be educated in the wish list items that they list. To focus on the means, means so that this change can be sustainable, rather than just the end, which only lasts temporarily. 

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. 
Teach the man how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime. 

iWish is the fishing rod.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and start gifting away. 

A good gift

A good gift is like a good meal.

A good meal - sometimes a good meal does not have to be expensive, extravagant, or delicious even. A meal becomes good when dining with the right company, the company of friends or loved ones. 

That is why food critics often dine alone. That is because when one dines alone, one truly tastes the food and drinks he/she is consuming. The food critic is then able to objectively judge the quality of the food without external interventions, and focus solely on the taste and presentation of the food. At least that is, theoretically...

How can one truly be objective and focus solely on the food itself without regard to the environment aspects, such as the decor of the restaurant, the ambience, or even the plate which the food is placed. All these factors play a part in the presentation of the food itself. 

Likewise, like in a present, how can a gift recipient focus solely on the gift itself, when a gift is truly made up of the sum of all its individual parts? 

Individual parts such as the wrapping, the texture of the wrapper, the look and feel of the gift, the ribbons tying it, the handwritten card that accompanies it. Or even the poem, or text handwritten in the card. And even the gesture of personally delivering the gift by the gifter, instead of relying on 3rd party delivery services. 

What are the elements that make up a good gift?

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!
without compromising on the elements that made a gift good in the first place...


Sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg and start gifting away today.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Christmas shopping trip at Orchard Road turned gifting idealists into gifting practicals

I experienced a mad rush for Christmas presents over the weekend with a trip to Orchard Road. 

I had to do some last minute Christmas presents shopping myself, along with the wifey. It's the annual Secret Santa initiative. This year, the budget per present is $20. true enough, we busted the $20 cap with today's spiralling prices of presents. 

Every set of present we got, it's above $20. Ouch. 

Wifey had a hard time determining what kind of gifts, or what range of presents she should get for each of her friend/ colleague. She didn't even have a vague idea when we began our Orchard Road presents hunting trip. She said, "Let's walk around Orchard Road, and get gift inspiration. Then we will know what to buy then."

For those who still believe in this saying, let me bust that one out as a myth for you right now. It is a total myth. You will not get gift inspirations by randomly walking around gift stores without having a plan, or having a vague gift idea to begin with. The hordes of shoppers and gift buyers, coupled with the never ending display of gift ideas will confuse you even further. 

Even worse, seeing everyone else around you carrying bags of gifts, made us feel even lousier that we haven't even bought any gifts yet. 

Initially, we wanted each gift to be unique, and represent the person whom we will be purchasing the gift for. We discussed about the gift recipient's unique personality, discern what kind of gifts that person might like, and so on...

We were gifting idealists.

Eventually, we got tired, and settled on the gift idea that "whatever, it will be an awesome gift as long as I have made the effort to come shop, pick out and wrap it". 

We became gifting practicals. 

We came, we conquered, we lost, we got tired, we bought gifts. 
This sums up our shopping spree pretty much. 

When we were younger, we could go on and on the entire day, just walking around, and doing window shopping. Now that we are older, presumably, all the walking and standing around browsing for gifts literally almost killed us. We have the moolah to spend, we just couldn't find the right gift to spend it on. 

How we wish more people will use iWish - to pen down their gift idea and wish lists, so that it actually makes the gifter's job a lot easier, a lot simpler, and a lot more fun!

People, gifters, gift recipients, everybody, I urge you go sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and save everyone else the trouble and hassle in picking out gifts for you. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

When we were young

When we were young, our parents scrimped and saved on themselves, and only provided the best for us.

Think back at how they have sacrificed in order to put you through school, buy you the best items, etc.

Now that they are older and may have retired, it is now your duty to take care of them.

It is now you, who will provide the very best for them. Maybe a new better mattress, a sturdier wardrobe, a new washing machine...

What is important is to make their life now a little bit more comfortable. A little bit is better than nothing.

Love them as they have loved you.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and start gifting away.


Then why can't I choose the gift that I WANT?

Then why can't I choose the gift that I WANT?

And he will eat my cookies and warm milk???

And he will eat my cookies and warm milk???


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

On the "nice list" of Santa Claus...

You're telling me I'm on the "nice list" of Santa Claus...

Then why can't I choose the gift that I WANT?

iWish - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform for (1) creating your wish lists,, (2) sharing it with your friends, and (3) having your wishes granted. Even better, iWish is fully integrated with facebook so you are able to sign up, share and comment on your wish lists or your friends' wish lists on facebook itself!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start wishing away. 

An old man dressed in red

You mean an old man dressed in red will climb down the chimney at night on Christmas...

And he will eat my cookies and warm milk???

iWish - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform for (1) creating your wish lists,, (2) sharing it with your friends, and (3) having your wishes granted. Even better, iWish is fully integrated with facebook so you are able to sign up, share and comment on your wish lists or your friends' wish lists on facebook itself!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start wishing away. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

I will find you on iWish, and I will gift you!

I will find you on iWish, and I will gift you!
#iWish #gifting #wishlist

iWish - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform for (1) creating your wish lists,, (2) sharing it with your friends, and (3) having your wishes granted. Even better, iWish is fully integrated with facebook so you are able to sign up, share and comment on your wish lists or your friends' wish lists on facebook itself!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start wishing away. 

Favourite human

Don't forget your pet friends during this festive season. they may only be a pet to you, but you, you mean the World to them. You're their favourite human.

iWish - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform for (1) creating your wish lists,, (2) sharing it with your friends, and (3) having your wishes granted. Even better, iWish is fully integrated with facebook so you are able to sign up, share and comment on your wish lists or your friends' wish lists on facebook itself!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start wishing away. 

Monday, 1 December 2014

For the record, extra tuition classes do not count as gifts to children...

For the record, extra tuition classes do not count as gifts to children...

Said no woman ever.

Oh, I received the exact gift I was wishing for, without the need to drop hints. 

Said no woman ever. 

Ok, I admit this is just a very stereotypical response, and may not reflect the larger population. But looking through this quote, there is still some sense of truth in it, isn't it? 

To get the perfect gift, the gift you were wishing for secretly, sometimes you need to drop hints around the house, around the workplace and hope people around you will pick up those hints, decipher it, and arrive at the gift that you've been wishing for all along. 

Often times, there is threshold between dropping hints subtly, and being blatant about it. This is an art form in itself, a hint dropping communication form. 

Don't you wish that with the technology out there, some platform could help you achieve this? To pen down your wishes, and get people to see those wishes, and be "hinted" at what gifts you might be wishing for. 

iWish - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform for (1) creating your wish lists,, (2) sharing it with your friends, and (3) having your wishes granted. Even better, iWish is fully integrated with facebook so you are able to sign up, share and comment on your wish lists or your friends' wish lists on facebook itself!

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start wishing away. 

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Christmas is coming...

Christmas is indeed coming. its less than 1 month away from the arguably the most important festive occasion in Singapore. 

how has your gifts and presents preparation coming along? what about the usual Secret Santa event at your workplace?

Make your wish come true this Christmas with iWish's help. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg today and start gifting away. 

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Happy wishing Sunday

Happy Sunday!

It's the end of the week and getting to the start of a new week. 

iWish you had a fruitful week, and iWish you'll have a fruitful week ahead too. 

Make everyday count, make every moment valid, and make every wish worthy. 

iWish - happy to be partnering you on your wishing journey. 

iWish - simplifying every step of your gifting process. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free account @ www.iwish.com.sg now and start wishing away. 


Friday, 28 November 2014

Value vs Cost of Gifting

Sometimes the greatest gift is not the actual gift itself, it is the knowing that the gifter has put in deliberate thought and effort in selecting, getting, and gifting the gift.

Do you agree?

Compare the following scenarios:

1. A company CEO is too busy working on growing his business and neglected his family. On his wife's birthday, he actually forgot about it. Thankfully, he has a secretary and technology to help him. The wife's birthday date is keyed into the office outlook calendar, and alerted the secretary. The secretary purchased a gift and wraps it up nicely, and prepares a nice card to go along with the gift. The secretary even arranged for a gift delivery service to deliver the present to the boss's wife. All the expenses were subsequently reimbursed by the boss. Boss's wife receives it and is delighted. Boss has no clue on what gift it is.

2. A cab driver is preparing for his upcoming wife's birthday. Although financially tight, he made sure he put in careful thought in selecting his gift. Although not expensive, he made up for it by making it himself. On the nights when his wife slept, he secretly works on his gift, a collage of pictures of the couple onto a hand made frame. After driving the whole day, the tired cab driver toiled away many nights working on the inexpensive but thoughtful gift. On that day of the wife's birthday, he even took a day off his usual cab driving to surprise his wife and bring her out for a whole day of fun, meals at an inexpensive food court, picnic at a local public park, and star gazing at a nearby reservoir. Although the cab driver missed out on a day's worth of earnings from driving the cab, he sure did bring joy to his wife.

Which scenario would you think is more romantic?

Here at iWish, we always believe nothing can replace the true thought and effort in gifting. Perceived and actual effort trumps financial value of the gift anytime.

iWish - helping you select the perfect gift your loved one deserves.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

Sign up for your free iWish account @ www.iwish.com.sg today

Start gifting away, because your loved ones deserve it.


Useful gifting resources and links

Check out these additional useful resources for your gifting needs.

www.iwish.com.sg - a revolutionary online wish list sharing platform: 
1) create your wish list
2) share it with your network (integrated with Facebook)
3) have your wishes fulfilled

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

www.facebook.com/teamiwishsg - for the latest gifting trends articles, inspirations and gifting stories

teamiwishsg.blogspot.sg - for gifting trends, shopper insights and behavior and the gifter's mindset

giftinghacker.blogspot.sg - for how to gift the perfect gift, for the ultimate surprise and planning for the gifting process

giftingwarrior.blogspot.sg - for your gifting pattern, knowing your gift profile and optimizing your value of your gift


Weekend galore

It's the weekend and what are you doing about it? Any plans?

Most people work 5 days a week and rest 2 days on the weekend, why isn't it the other way around? - work 2 days week, rest 5 days. 

Maybe someone can wish this. 
iWish I could work lesser, spend more time with my family. And do the things I love to do more. 

I'm gonna pen down my thoughts and personal wish list onto the iWish platform @ www.iwish.com.sg - a revolutionary online wish lost sharing platform for gifting the perfect gift. 

Sign up for your free account at www.iwish.com.sg today


interesting insight

is it love at first sight, or can love truly be developed? 
one can argue that if there is no chemistry/ spark to begin with, it will never truly develop into a raging fire. 

one can also argue that through acts of love, and gifts of surprise, love truly can be developed. going by this line of thought, there might exist a rather evolutionary theory behind this. 

if a partner is able to shower you with love (by giving you time and resources), it means the partner is capable to take care of you. and so your primal brain is hard wired to be attracted to such a partner. 

by resources, i mean, gifts given to your partners. it doesn't even have to be expensive, it just have to be thoughtful. it doesn't even have to be bought, it can be hand made. it doesn't even have to be a physical gift, it can be a random act of love like washing the dishes, doing the laundry, giving your partner a back rub, running the bath for your partner etc...

how then can one truly make an effort to find out what your partner wants? is there a hidden or secret process where your partner can somehow pen down what he/ she truly wants? and you can then access the hidden information, and surprise your partner with the gift? 

what if this is real today? what if there is such a product in the market today that can do this? what if I tell you it's happening right this very moment? 

would you use it? 


iWish - the revolutionary online wish list sharing platform
perfect for gifting the perfect gift. 

sign up for your free account now, and be sure to rope in your friends to sign up too. 
because gifting truly is a two way process. 

www.iwish.com.sg - Gifting Made Easy!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

I wish upon a star - no, I wish upon iWish

don't you wish you have a fairy god mother, whom you can just wished upon and have your wishes granted immediately? 

or a genie hiding in some forsaken lamp hiding somewhere in your closet?

or even Santa Claus? Santa Claus' business has taken a huge hit from the rise of e-commerce it seems, think he might need to tweak his business model in order to remain relevant and to survive. maybe lean start up and business model canvassing might help? 

fret not, iWish to the rescue. solve your gifting woes by signing up and using iWish. 
even better, get your loved ones and friends onto the platform as well. 
after all, gifting is a two way process.

check out www.iwish.com.sg, a revolutionary online wish list repository platform where you can 1. create your wish list, 2. share it with your networks (it's integrated with facebook so you can sign up or share your wish list link), and 3. have your wish granted.

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!