Monday, 22 December 2014

Wish it, Gift it.

Wish it. Gift it. 
Gift someone their wish today.
(Source: a certain hewlett-packard HP ad seen somewhere, I think it sums up pretty clearly what iWish is all about)

The algorithms of Google and Facebook

One word: three alphabet. 
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Google adwords. Facebook ads conversion pixels. 

These are some of the technical jargons that are out there, everyone is a marketer these days. Especially for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs wear multiple hats. They are the business development, financial controller, risk manager, human resource practitioner, executive, office administrator, logistics assistant, etc, all rolled into one. given the grand title of CEO, or MD, or Founder...

Most importantly, is the role of marketing, how do you get your product out there to the market, and have the public talking about it (in an excited good way of course). Then you have to convert your users into raving fans. Fans who evangelise about your products to their other friends. 

But it is never glamourous. It is often hard work. years toiled in sweat and tears, pitches for investment often met with blank stares, rejection and despair. 

The importance of user acquisition. 
Never has this topic been more important to a start-up. 

Well, iWish is a local Singaporean start-up. 
Help us make a difference and bring happiness to the world of gifting. 

Exchange happiness, Exchange gifts.
Wish it, Gift it. 

iWish - Gifting Made Easy!

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